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2008 crisis and technical analysis

  • Jul 20, 15
  • Professor Chart

Is technical analysisi a foolproof method? Of course not, but it can help in decision-making. With the necessary preparation, making proper use of indicators and knowing how to interpret the signals that the market is leaving behind, we can be more prepared for an important events. 

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La crisis del 2008 y el análisis técnico.

  • Jul 15, 15
  • Professor Chart

¿Es el análisis técnico algo infalible? Por supuesto que no, pero puede ayudarnos en la toma de decisiones. Con la preparación necesaria, haciendo un uso correcto de los indicadores y sabiendo como interpretar las señales que el mercado va dejando a su paso, podremos conseguir estar más preparados ante acontecimientos importantes. 

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About Professor Chart

Professor Chart is the result of a long process of development and research. A new training method was developed with the aim of facilitating the understanding of the most complicated concepts of the stock market. A training timetable, designed by experts in the stock market, which encompasses investment methodologies and techniques that are currently used by traders. Professor Chart makes it possible for new investors to access exercises and simulators designed with advanced IT tools.

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